The QSS Green - A new commercial photo print system that features automatic duplex printing and supports a diverse variety of sheet paper
NK Works, a Noritsu Koki group company, is pleased to announce the QSS Green, a digital dry minilab that excels in print quality, functionality and cost performance. This new addition to the QSS lineup will be exhibited at PMA@CES 2013 in Las Vegas from the 8th to the 11th of January.
In addition to having all the fabulous features that have made the QSS brand so popular among silver halide users, the QSS Green raises the bar in terms of environmental friendliness and it is poised to become the new de-facto standard model for photo businesses.
Noritsu to participate in photokina 2012
We are pleased to announce Noritsu’s participation in photokina 2012, a six day event to be held from the 18th to the 23th of September at the Koelnmesse Fairgrounds in Cologne, Germany.